What's so significant about 432 Hz and the Solfeggio Frequencies?

What's so significant about 432 Hz and the Solfeggio Frequencies?

What Do These Frequencies Do? 

In 1953 all music was standardized to a tuning of 440 Hz, but what were the true motives behind that decision?

432 Hz is the most natural frequency. It puts us in our natural state, allowing energy to flow freely. It has a calming effect and gives the listener clarity. It's also said to heal DNA. 

On the other hand, the standard tuning of 440 Hz causes us to feel disconnected and agitated. It blocks energy from flowing freely through your body.

Many ancient monuments have a geometric relation to 432, including the Pyramids of Giza and Stone Henge. That is because 432 resonates with the Golden Ratio, found all throughout nature, art, architecture, and music and is known for being aesthetically pleasing.

There have been a few studies done on 432 Hz.

You can see what these frequencies look like using Cymatics by sprinkling sand on a plate that then plays the selected tones, causing the grains to move into place for whichever frequency is played.

Here's a video demonstrating the visual difference between the 432 Hz and 440 Hz scales.

As seen from the video, it's clear that the notes of the 432 Hz tuning are significantly more in harmony, whereas the sand is more scattered in the 440 Hz tuning.

If you do more research about 440 Hz vs. 432 Hz, you might come across various opinions that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Nazis influenced the standardization of 440 Hz, specifically the Nazi Minister of Propaganda: Joseph Goebbels. I can't say for sure this is true, as it's hard to separate fact from fiction, and I don't want to give a biased opinion. However, it's something to keep in the back of your head.



The Solfeggio frequencies activate specific chakras in our bodies and have other benefits unique for each frequency. These frequencies have been used since ancient times and are said to originate from the Solfeggio Scale, invented by Guido d’Arezzo in the 8th century. The Gregorian monks used the tones in their chants because of their healing qualities. 

There are 13 frequencies, nine main ones, and each resonates with a different chakra, each with various benefits.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers in the body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond with nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Seven main chakras run along the spine, with four extra ones extending outside the body. There is believed to be a total of 114 chakras throughout the body, each with a different health focus.

For this article, we'll only focus on the main seven ones and the Solfeggio frequencies that correspond to them.


Root Chakra: 

Root Chakra 174 285 396 Hz

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. When this chakra is blocked, it can manifest physical issues like arthritis, constipation, bladder and colon problems, or emotionally through feeling insecure. When it’s open and aligned, we will feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally.

There are three main solfeggios for the root chakra:

174 Hz

This is the lowest of the frequencies and helps with physical and emotional pain relief. It is considered to be a natural anesthetic. For athletes, 174 Hz is a good post-performance muscle relaxant and will help with recovery. It's also great for helping relieve mild to chronic pain, such as headaches, muscle and back pain.

285 Hz

This frequency will give you a physical and mental energy boost. 285 Hz is associated with cell repair, healing tissues, and repairing injuries such as fractures, burns, cuts and organ damage. It's also an excellent frequency for athletes because of the energy boost it gives and for the recovery process. In addition, the 285 Hz frequency can enhance your immune system, helping your body to fight off illness better.

396 Hz

The frequency of 396 Hz helps you overcome fear, guilt, grief, and limiting beliefs. This is the main Solfeggio for the root chakra. It will leave you feeling grounded, strong and confident, helping you to achieve your goals. Listen to this frequency to rebalance your Root Chakra and relieve tension and energy blockages at the base of the spine.


Sacral Chakra:

Sacral Chakra 417 Hz


The Sacral Chakra is located at the lower abdomen, right below the belly button. This Chakra is connected to our feelings of creativity, pleasure, and sexuality. When this Chakra is blocked, it can lead to feeling numb, easily controlled by your emotions, stuck in a certain mood, overindulgence, or the opposite - lack of desire and satisfaction.

417 Hz

This is the Solfeggio frequency for the Sacral Chakra, and it's great for clearing negativity, specifically negative emotions. It is believed this frequency can undo negative situations both from the present and past. It can help to overcome trauma and facilitate positive change in ourselves. Listen to this frequency to balance your Sacral Chakra and relieve tension and energy blockages in your lower abdomen. 


Solar Plexus:

Solar Plexus 528 Hz


The Solar Plexus Chakra is located right above your stomach and just below your chest. This chakra is associated with inner confidence, self-esteem, and listening to and asserting yourself and your needs. It's the energy center in your body responsible for taking action. When the Solar Plexus is blocked, it can manifest in a lack of motivation, low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions, aggressiveness, and digestive issues.

528 Hz

The frequency for the Solar Plexus is 528 Hz, known as the "Miracle Tone." It can bring incredible transformation to those who listen to it, and it's even believed to repair DNA! Listening to this frequency gives you an energy boost and therefore is great to listen to while working out or engaging in other athletic activities. This frequency can also help with digestive issues.

In 2019 researchers found that exposure to this sound wave reduces anxiety. According to the study, sound waves vibrating at 528 Hz stimulate testosterone production. Another study showed that the 528 Hz frequency could help treat addiction. The study found that 528 Hz sound waves reduced the toxic effects of ethanol on astrocyte cell cultures. And even more surprisingly, cell viability increased by up to 20 percent.

In 2010, there was a disaster at an oil rig owned by BP called the Deepwater Horizon, causing it to leak millions of barrels worth of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. A man by the name of John Hutchinson and his wife, Nancy Hutchinson, placed a device that emits frequencies onto the beach, about 25 feet from the water and played for four hours 528 Hz and other Solfeggio frequencies to treat it. Miraculously the following day, the water cleared up to the point where dolphins, fish, and crabs returned to the area when those same waters had been lethal for marine life just a day before.


Heart Chakra:

Heart Chakra 639 Hz


The Heart Chakra is located at the center of our chest. This Chakra is responsible for love and compassion. When the Heart Chakra is open and aligned, we can easily connect with others and have harmonious relationships. People who have this Chakra out of balance often put others first, even to their own detriment. When this Chakra is not aligned, we can become lonely, isolated, and insecure. Further down the road, a blocked Heart Chakra can lead to physical heart problems and asthma. 

639 Hz

This Solfeggio frequency for the Heart Chakra promotes healthy relationships between loved ones and in our community. This frequency can help you feel more connected to the world and the people around you. An open Heart Chakra can help us to appreciate the beauty and love around us, connecting to people in our lives on a deeper level.


Throat Chakra:

Throat Chakra 741 Hz


The Throat Chakra is located at the throat and is connected to our ability to speak and communicate clearly and truthfully. This energy center helps us to create and project ideas and blueprints into reality. When this Chakra is open and balanced, we find it easy to speak and live out our full truth. When this Chakra is blocked, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, timidness, and introversion. However, an overactive Throat Chakra can cause gossiping, nonstop talking, and speaking in an insulting manner.

741 Hz

741 Hz is the Solfeggio frequency for the Throat Chakra and is known to be great for intellectual activities and problem-solving. This frequency stimulates the mind, promoting creativity and self-expression. Listening to music tuned to 741 Hz gives you protective armor against negativity, making way for something positive to take place. In addition, this frequency also cleans your body from toxins and is excellent to listen to in combination with 285 Hz to boost your immune system.


Third Eye:

Third Eye 852 Hz


The Third Eye is the sixth Chakra and is connected to our intuition and ability to see past illusions. It's located at the center of our forehead, so blockages in this area can lead to migraines, difficulty concentrating, and issues with sight and hearing. People with difficulty seeing reality for what it is or being "know it all's" and people not in touch with their intuition likely have a blocked Third Eye. When this Chakra is open and aligned, you'll have an easier time following your intuition and seeing things from a neutral perspective, how they really are, and overall having a heightened perspective allowing you to see the big picture.

852 Hz

Listening to 852 Hz can bring you back to spiritual order, helping you connect to your higher self. It's the best frequency to listen to if you are caught up in a loop of overthinking and negative thoughts. It's great for helping you tune back in with your intuition and relieving any worries. 852 Hz can profoundly affect our subconscious minds by raising awareness, opening us up to new possibilities, and increasing feelings of positivity.


Crown Chakra:

Crown Chakra 963 Hz

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of our head. It is associated with your connection to higher consciousness and spirituality, regarded as the chakra of wisdom, self-knowledge, and illumination. People with a blocked Crown Chakra are often narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn. When it is open and aligned, it brings you bliss and enlightenment. It gives you a feeling of being connected to everything around you, and you may even unlock spiritual gifts when this Chakra is activated.


963 Hz

This frequency helps you reach the highest level of spiritual and mental clarity. It activates your entire being and brings you back to your perfect state. 963 Hz is often referred to as the 'God Frequency' because it reconnects you to the oneness of the universe and activates spiritual powers.




In conclusion, it's a shame that the standard tuning of music is still 440 Hz. The good news is that nowadays, it's easy to find versions of songs converted to 432 Hz and other frequencies on YouTube and other platforms. For artists who want to make music in these frequencies, here at ELEVATION ENTERTAINMENT, we have our instrumentals and loops tuned to 432 Hz and the Solfeggios.

The healthier and in tune with your body you are, the more you'll feel the effects of these frequencies. Also, it is recommended to eat healthy, meditate regularly, and not consume fluoride in toothpaste or water to feel the full impact, as fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, making us number.

Here is a tuning guide for how to tune any sample from the standard 440 Hz tuning to whichever Solfeggio you want:

Tuning Guide Solfeggios

The frequencies below are the Solfeggios for the chakras extending outside the body. These are more advanced, and if you're new to this, I recommend starting with the main nine ones shown above.

Tuning Guide Higher Solfeggios


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